Thursday, July 21, 2011
ASVAB and MEPS help? What to expect?
Okay so I take the asvab In a few days. I'm still in highschool as I graduate next year. I'm so confused... Am I taking the meps the same day as asvab? Will the drug test me before, after the asvab? Can I request that I go to meps at a later date? I've also tried pot twice but that's it. What do I tell my recruiter about that? Someone please help me!!! Thanks in advance. I look foward to serving my country in the future.
I need help with choosing soil for my venus fly trap.?
You're on the right track with the peat moss. Venus fly traps are native to the southeast where we have acid soil. You can use either straight peat moss. I've purchased it in small bags at Lowe's and Walmart. Or you can mix 1/2 peat moss and 1/2 perlite. The perlite is also available in a small bag. For more information, check out the website I mentioned as a source of information.
Now that Weiner is resigning, what should be done with Barney Frank, Charlie Rangel, Maxine Watters etc?
Especially since Pelosi promised to "drain the swamp", yet these scum dwellers are holding onto their positions and no one is calling for them to resign even though what they did is equal to, if not worse than what Weiner did.
Volume knobs won't fit my guitar!!!! Help!!!!?
I've just switched over my passive pickups to active pickups. However, the 25k volume/tonal pots are wider than the original pots. As a result, the volume/tonal knobs no longer fit. Can someone recommend somewhere I can find volume/tonal pots that will fit?
Physics Rocket max altitude problem?
A rocket is launched vertically upward from earth's surface at a speed of 5.1 km/s. what is its max altitude?
How can equating forces in different directions yield different results?
An object of mass m is resting on a plane inclined at angle A to the horizontal, and there is no motion. The weight (mg) of the object acts directly downwards, and the normal reaction (R) between the object and the plane acts perpendicular to the plane. Resolving vertically will yield the following result: RcosA=mg . However, I have also seen a method which equates the two forces perpendicular to the plane, thus yielding R=mgcosA . How can both of these be correct, since mgcosA is obviously not equal to mg/cosA ?
I want to buy digital camera?
But I'm confused among samsung pl210, sony wx7, nikon s3100,fujifilm 900exr.I want that in which I can use optical zoom in video recording,in which I can take videos & photos horizontally & vertically.For eg I want to take photos of qutub minar.It is impossible to take photo of qutub minar coz it is very tall & my old camera cannot take videos & photos of so much tall & wide monuments like old fort & qutub plz tell me which camera is best for my requirements among these 3 cameras.If these cameras are not suitable u can mention another camera.pLZ DON'T mention SONY h SERIES & SLR CAMERAS.My budget is upto Rs 15000 & less
Can i grow mangoes (FRUIT) in a pot?
i like mangoes and visited my home place after a long i found a mango tree which mangoes taste is i want know could i grow mango in the pot?what is the method please.the tree is 15 years old and still gives mangoes.bad news is that in a 1-2 years there will flat building construction in that place by our please.
Fade edges to transparent in Photoshop CS5?
I have an object around the middle of my document that covers the whole page vertically and is just a plain rectangle. I'm not sure what approach to take if I want to fade both sides to transparent.
Are we really living in "the last days"? What dangers threaten us?
Are we living in the last days? Well it's possible but every generation has found signs they believed was proof they were living in the last days.Even the Apostles thought Jesus return was going to be in there life time. I can assure you the early Christians suffering under the roman Government thought they were living in the last Days. Actually the proper translation often used for end of the World properly translated is end of the age. And since Christ time we have saw many end of ages. What i'm reading sounds similar to the old Herbert W Armstrong radio show The World Tomorrow predictions now taught by a TV show called tomorrows World. But it can't be as you failed to mention the British an American nations as being the lost tribes of Israel. Well have fun with your believed knowledge as time goes by you'll change some of it as all the rest do..
Potato to rid aquarium plants of pests in quarantine?
I've used potato to get rid of unwanted snails from tanks before. Take a big chunk lay it on the bottom, leave there for a day then remove. Replace with a fresh piece of potato everytyme, so you won't spoil the water. Any snails in the tank will gravitate towards the potato which you can then easily remove them. I've never heard of using a potato to release acids in the water column to rid of aquarium pests though. You should ask the person again to give you a better explanation of there method, and repost there answer if you could, I am curious- sounds kinda dangerous to the fishes health though to leave foods in the water for to long a tyme.
In view of increasing cases of tainted food in China, should Chinese city dwellers go for communal farming?
As the authoritarian government of CCP has been found to be impotent to put a stop to food adulteration that often put the lives of consumers at risk, would it be a good idea that communes were reinvented who would produce all their food items themselves?
Is the educated world starting to outgrow the barbaric god of abraham?
that is were you are wrong people are starting to fade away from the lord that much is true but who you say only believes in him is wrong millions and millions still believe i am a christian an were i live every body believes in god
Filling my 25 gallon tank?
Over crowding a tank will only mean trouble. Be careful of what kind of fish you mix together because some are very aggressive. The guppies and neon are good together along with tiger barbs and zebras. Sword tails are also a good breed to have. Angel fish are very aggressive so be careful of that. I would put NO more than 4 of each breed in a 25 gallon tank. My advise is to get two tanks and have less fish in each. Put artificial plants and stones to make it look nice. A nice glass cleaner fish is also good idea. They eat the algee from the glass and also a bottom feeder like a carfish that will eat the left over food from the rocks on the bottom. The more fish in a tank, the more times you will have to clean the tank.
Problem understanding a step to solution?
The "required time" is 0.025s, not 0.25s, assuming you're talking about how long the pot is in view on its way up, and then again on its way down. It's the same length of time each direction because without air resistance, the speed-vs-height of the flowerpot is the same going both ways.
Should a fat PS3 be vertical or horizontal for best cooling?
I have a BC 80gb fatty PS3 which I have vertical now. I have been hearing the fans kick into higher gear quicker and more than usual lately. Should it be sat vertically or horizontally for best cooling?
Want to recover from annorexia but finding it extremely hard?
If you're trying to recover from anorexia, you want to gain weight. The fear of gaining weight is the root of your problem, and that's what you need to get rid of.
Do you ever feel energized after smoking pot?
I got high a few days ago, and there's something I noted upon waking the next morning - I was very energized and ready for the day. I heard that this can happen after smoking marijuana, has it ever happened to you?
Physics help please!?
A roller coaster travels 135ft at an angle of 40 degrees above the horizontal. How far does it move horizontally and vertically?
What does vertical analysis show about a company?
What does vertically analyzing a balance sheet and income statement help to identify about a company?
2 of my teeth are not coming in straight...any idea what the dentist will do to fix them?
having baby teeth pulled don't hurt hardly at all cause they have no nerves the adult is the ones that hurt some! but not that bad either,and in regards to your other teeth problems they eill prolly give you braces and go in your gums to your teeth that are not coming in,put a chain type thing around them and every month or so to get braces tightened they will pull the teeth down some every time i've never had that done so i can't tell you how that feels:( sorry but everything else is pretty easy hope this helps and good luck!:)))
I saw a movie which reminded me of universal soldier but it has a big asian solider as the bad guy?
It takes place in the future where male childrenare raised to be soldiers, but they have become obsolete to the new soldier clones. Their is a scene where the Asian clone and the good guy are fighting and the clone has his eye poked out. The good guy looses the fight and is dumped off onto a planet full of trash that is inhabited by trash dwellers. In the end the clones comeback to wipe out the dwellers and our good soldier has to fight them all off. The guns are capable of shooting out flames. Whats the movie name? Def a nineties movie remember watching it as a kid.
Recently quit smoking pot after yrs of regular use. Have not smoked in approx. 2.5 weeks?
been drinking 64 oz of water a day for past 3 days. I am 5'9" 147lbs and have a drug screen soon how long should I wait to take test
Wii game with cute-looking things that blow each other up?
i played it for the first time at someone's place the other day but forgot what it was called.... starts with "boom" something? and there are a lot of puzzles/obstacles where up to 8 of these things can blow each other up horizontally and vertically? please help!
Learning to ride a horse for a city dweller?
I am very interested in horseback riding and have some experience. I live on the outskirts of Portland with many stables nearby and several offer lessons for $20-60 an hour. My question is this: Once I have learned basic to intermediate skills will many stables let you pay a fee to ride one of theire horses for an hour or two without lessons or do you have to board your own horse to do that? I want to learn riding but don't want to take the plunge into full-fledged horse ownership.
Buy another robo hamster?
I say buy another, but have different cages in case something goes wrong, and ask one of the workers at Petland what they think, make sure it's okay with your guardian also.
If I throw a ball vertically upwards.(Considering Air Resistance)?
Why is the time taken for the object to move up and reach maximum height lesser than the time taken for the object to fall from maximum height?
Did I choose the wrong guy?
choose the man who loves you. he loves you and puts you first. your boyfriend is a nasty piece of work who doesn't care. Do you love this other man?
I need to gain trust back!?
So I had some texts about smoking pot on my phone & my mom saw them and grounded me. She doesn't understand that I am a teenager & I am like all teenagers going to experiment with things. She treats me like I'm 2 and wont let me out. Help me to gain her trust back please!
Since times have changed why haven't new cave dwellers been inspired by god to rewrite the bible?
This is a response to people that justify not following certain parts of the bible by claiming it was a different time.
How did ancient desert dwellers clean their bum holes?
They use their left hand, which is why it is a grave insult to wave, point or touch someone with your left hand in some middle eastern cultures
A 760N student leaps off a scale and it measures 930N just as he takes off. What is acceleration as he jumps?
A student weighing 760 N crouches on a scale and suddenly springs vertically upward. His roommate notices that the scale reads 930 N momentarily just as he leaves the scale. With what acceleration does he leave the scale?
Are Aliens real or fake, and is it just Human Science?
We're either alone in this universe or we're not. Both ideas are extremely overwhelming, don't you think?
Can someone please help me with my History assignment!?
Dude you asked for help! Not for us to do this assignment that you're to lazy to do yourself! Sheeesshh!
What is the BEST cooling fan for my xbox360 slim?
Hi, i bought my xbox360 slim in september of 2010 and fell in love with it. When i first got it, i kept it on its side, but it made a weird noise so i put it up verticaly. Ive been recently noticing it gets really hot. What i want to know is 1) sood i put it horozontially or vertically 2) what kind of cooling fan sood i get (if there is one for horozontially if thats the best choice) Really appreciate the input!
Tankmate for my betta, shrimp, and cories?
Your tank is fully stocked as it is. I wouldn't add anything more. Upgrade and Platies would be an excellent choice. Unless your Cories are "pygmies" they will outgrow that tank, anyway. Just so you know.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
19 Arabs brought the US to its knees What sort of super power is it we follow?
And "little" georgie bush played right into OBL hand, when he invaded Iraq. Over 5,000 dead, over 600,000 disabled for life and trillions of dollars poured down into that bottomless pit in Iraq.
Would anyone critique my poem..?
I enjoyed your poem and am no expert, but I will give my opinion. I prefer rhyming poems, but as for this free verse one , I believe it was well written. Though if you practiced a bit more with syntax, I think you would make a great short story writer. Your poem was lengthy, but as for me I prefer it. I would like to see you post more poems :) If you are trying for publicity though, you may want to write more on topics that relate better to people, this poem (again I AM NOT AN EXPERT) seems to only relate to a selected group of readers. But I did enjoy this poem, and I give you my best wishes on your poetry, defiantly do not stop writing!! ~Violet
Why can't people on the internet spell "masturbation" correctly?
You'd think that as much as they do it, the basement dwellers that lurk the internet should know how to spell it. On Y!A I've seen people spell it correctly in the question, but then some idiot comes along and answers the question with the misspelling "masterbation." They even underline it in red so you know it's wrong. Why are people so stupid?
Will moving my outside cannabis plant hurt it?
It is rooted in the ground with no pot... also there was partial sunlight in the old spot, but full sunlight in the new spot
Physics Question Please help?
This is badly or wrongly worded. You should go back to your teacher and check the question is correct.
Do you think she has the Internet in her shed?
I'll bet she wasn't doing much whingeing when the cash was rolling in ! I wouldn't be surprised if she had some squirrelled away somewhere !
Help me to answer this toefl..thanks very much..?
The point of the toefl is that you do it yourself.They want to know well YOU know the English language.You can't ask someone else to do it for you.
Fable 3 glitch ok so i was playing fable 3 and i went to the front near the gates where?
ok so i was playing fable 3 and i went to the front near the gates where the mayor is supposed to say i how i improved brightwall and how they are going to help the dwellers however when i get there he just looks like hes sitting in midair and all that happens is the people cheer non stop i think this has something to do with that when jasper asked me to come to the sanctuary i didnt so i didnt learn about quests so when i try to go to the sanctuary i cant and i also saved the game does anyone have a fix for this
Please answer my English class question below which is about revising?
All those statements are matters of opinion, not really of fact. I presume your teacher wants you to make up your own mind.
Are take away dinners more popular with inner city dwellers than people in outer suburbs?
I live in what would be considered an outer suburb. We are very limited here on the selection of eating establishments and take out dinners. It's a small city and it's about 10 miles from my house to the outskirts of the nearest larger city. There is a place my kids and I like that's about 12 miles away and we get take away dinners from there whenever we are down that way and have the money to afford it. It's a Chinese restaurant with excellent food and reasonably priced. I would guess that take away dinners would be more popular with inner city dwellers just because of the convenience. They don't have to spend a lot of money on gas to get there.
Why am I so different?!?!?!?
Ah high school... Screw it all! In school it's the fight to survive! My question is are you strong enough? Well i believe you are! Now get out there and make a name!
Need workout tips for an upper apartment dweller!?
Insanity or P90 but do it during the early evening and not too late. You are aloud to make some noise during reasonable hours
I cut my fingernail vertically by accident What do I do ? does it grow back ?
So I was cooking and by accident I cut my fingernail vertically after stopping blood from running I put on adhesive plaster the nail did not fall off or swollen it's been 4 days So what's going to happen ? will fall of or regrow
Maplestory: What should i do?
Well, you could use it and then sell it for more but.. i would rather sell and waste it on something better you know ... keep it !
Why does life suck so damn much?
Now you understand why there are so many drug dealers. Turning to a life of crime doesn't seem too bad when people have stepped all over you, does it... Risky though.
Which set of pots should I keep?
You should keep the Stainless cookware. Well water will not corrode stainless and it will serve you for many many years
Ham, green beans, potatos recipe?
when i was little my grandma would always make a big pot of green beans, potato chunks & ham chunks in like a broth. i don't know what her recipe was, she passed away when i was younger. if anyone has a recipe for this it would be greatly appreciated
Who is in the wrong here?
My fiancee smokes pot and I HATE it, I mean, I have nothing against smokin' folk, but when he smokes, he becomes negligent, ignores me, and gets dependent on it and if he can't find any, he resorts to spice (incense K12) and that makes him downright disrespectful and careless to everything and anything that pertains to me. I asked him ( this was like 3 months ago) if he would be respectful enough to ask me before he just goes off and does it since it is something I really hate. I said "if you have the respect enough to ask if it would bother me, it would really make things a lot smoother". I am not trying to control him, cause he knows he does whatever he wants, I just want him to realize that something that makes me uneasy, should be discussed, as if my opinion on the matter is valid in whether he does it or not. So for the past 3 months, just about every time he wants to buy some, he comes up, tries to manipulate me with hugs and kisses and of course I say it is okay, I have been so lenient and okay with it cause he has had the respect to ask me. Yesterday, he dawns on me that "it doesn't matter what you say, yes or no.. I am going to do it anyway cause I neeeeeeeed it, my job sucks" I said "so why did you ask me in the first place!" he said "cause you asked me to, so you would think your opinion is valid when it really isn't, you can't control me, I am going to do what I want, and when I want, you have no say" I said " I don't want to control you, I just don't like you doing it! What, you think I wanted you to ask me cause I just wanted to hear the words?" After all that, with no solution, we played the silent treatment, went to his moms for a feast, at this time he was starting to be nice to me, as if he was going to be sorry. On the way back, we drove to walmart and parked right along side his Cousins car (his cousin was in the car) my fiancee hands me a 20$ bill and asks me to go shopping for food, I look dumbfounded as to why we are here, then he gets out of the car to get into his Cousins car and I go "are you kidding me? After this huge, unsolved argument that took the whole day you are going to go smoke up in your cousins car and send me to buy milk and eggs.." he goes "yup, well if you want to buy cookies, go ahead, I told you I am going to do what I want, see you in a bit". So now I am infuriated by his audacity, who is in the wrong here, and who is in the right, if anyone, just be honest. I need someone to make sense.
Would it be good for my spine to sleep in the pool?
I'm not a doctor or anything so I don't know what good it would do for your back, but it probably wouldn't be good for your neck. I think a doctor might suggest something less dramatic, like stretches you can do that help your back or you can buy a new bed? I don't think you should sleep in a pool because that would be like sleeping standing up. And I don't think it would drift your spine into the position it needs to be in. But you should probably call your doctor or whoever and ask them what you can do for your back.
Tattoo aftercare questions?
Well it's a good idea to stay out of the sun as UV can give you problems when your tattoo is fresh. A good idea to avoid any direct exposure and use a sunblock in any case. Tanning on a tattoo causes the color to get a shade or two deeper which reverts after a few weeks away from direct sunlight or a tanning bed. Pools are not great while it's new either due to the chemicals in the water and any soaking is definitely not good as the new skin needs to regenerate and lock the pigment into the dermis. You tattooist instructions sh old be followed however any soap that you normally use is alright to wash your tat with and keeping it clean and dry is the best way to heal it.
High prices for tourists is normal in all countries?
For example: dwellers pays 3 dollars for one tatto, while tourists pays 80 dollars approximately in Brazil. It's normal in all countries?
Betta fish and crawfish?
So today I was at my LSF and I was walking around the tanks and I came across the feeder section with all the poor goldfish and guppies destined to be eaten by bigger fish... Anyways, I was surprised to see little brown crawfish at the bottom of the tank and automatically fell in love. As i type my 5 gallon betta tank is cycling (yes, i know what im doing and it DOES have lighting, heating, and filtration, ect...). So my question is can I have one crawfish and a betta (male) in the tank together? The only reason Im worried is the crawfish will rip apart the bettas tail but since he is a bottom dweller and the betta is more upper/midsection i didnt think there would be a big problem. Thanks!!!
Ramadan: how proud are you to be a muslim?
Was very proud to be the one to submit to the ''true God"... until I realize that this God was actually a psycho and wasn't really worthy of the worship that he asks for. The horrible thoughts and deeds that he inspires and for being a heartless, spiteful and violent monster; he's rather more worthy of our insults. I'm actually very happy now with having no connection and relation at all with this evil imaginary tribal god.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
No Full Screen Display while using LCD tv as monitor?
I have a Sony Bravia Full HD Lcd TV attached with my PC. If the screen resolution set to 1920X1050 picture vertically fits the Tv, But there is a blank space on both sides. if resolution set to 2048X1320 it shows unsupported video, What To Do? and i have no graphics card
Best option for boarding?
It depends on how much you are out at the barn... if your out there daily or close to that, then i would ddefantly go with A. but, if your only out there a few times a week then B. C is only 50$ less then B, and it has an indoor and its closer to your house. Hope this helps!
Should I just add her on fb ?
I don't think a Facebook friend request is a good first contact. A Facebook message would be good (if her privacy settings allow), or you can arrange to meet her somewhere. It doesn't have to be between her house and her car. Since you have a mutual friend you know some of her interests, if you share some of those interests go to where that thing takes place (this sentence is starting to feel like algebra) and introduce yourself there.
How much can I legally sew for and how much jail time will he get?
You can't "sue " , but you can turn him in to his PO for drug use and then go to the cops. He sounds like a looser.
10 Gallon Freshwater tank?
that would be over crowding the tank. a general rule of thumb is 1 gallon of water per inch of full grown fish. and over crowding the tank would probably stunt their growth. you would need at least 22 gallons for that line up
Spiritually speaking: could I legally just set up a faith that is totally bogus?
And say we have to smoke weed every week or we'll go to hell as an excuse if a policeman tries to arrest me for marijuana? I mean Rastas are allowed to do it and who is the government to tell us what a proper religion is or if they're ok? They do it so I'm guessing I could call my religion say norsism and we believe in God and a hell but the only reason God made pot was to smoke it in his name and to not do so would be an insult to humanity? I'm not saying I believe this or anything, I'm just asking the requirements for a religion agknowledged my the Government.
My fish died and i want to know what happened?
if it just hampen to him the waters probly fine. some fish don't do well under stress so mabe thats y
Which colors go together?
Im painting pots and I have pink, blue, yellow, purple, orange and green paint. I don't know what 2 colors go together.
Uniform acceleration question?
an object is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 100m/s. Find the max height reached and the time taken to reach this height.
(a) With what speed must a ball be thrown vertically from ground level to rise to a maximum height of 37 m?...?
(a) With what speed must a ball be thrown vertically from ground level to rise to a maximum height of 37 m? (b) How long will it be in the air?
How much weight is reasonable to lose?
If I have fruit banana and cherries & orange and a little yoghurt (55. Calories ) a pot for my breakfast with a coffee skimmed milk. For dinner a slimfast shake then for tea food like a jacket potato fish rice chicken. All bland as I'm fussy eater! Is it reasonable to lose a stone in 5 weeks? Do I exercise alongside it have zumba that I'm doing 3 times a week for 30 min on the kinect plus extra dog walking!
Xbox 360 won't read disks?
I turn on my xbox and I am taken to the dashboard. I put a disk in the tray and close it. It says reading disk and makes a noise that sounds like the disk is spinning and it continues to say reading disk. It goes nowhere from there. I have tried turning the xbox vertically and horizontally. I think that the disk drive is busted and it isn't catching on the disk. I don't think that the lazer is busted. It works from time to time and once I get it working it works for as long it is on, but if I leave it off for longer than a half an hour or so it stops. Any suggestions besides buying a new xbox? By the way, I have an arade.
Should I break up with my girlfriend or marry her?
Wow... First, the fact that you are wondering if you should dump means you probably aren't ready for marriage. Second, you say you want to date other girls. I say that you don't really want to be with her. For her sake, dump her. Let her find someone who appreciates her and wants to be with her. Also, for your sake. You deserve to be with someone that you want to be with and aren't having second thoughts about.
Any substitution for casserole dish?
I'm going to make pie and the recipe says a casserole dish, would it make any difference if i just used a normal cooking pot or something?
Windshield Crack Needs Fixed! Help!?
Within the past hour I was out driving on the highway and this truck in front of me kicked up a decent sized rock on my windshield, and, of course, cracked it. It was a vertical crack on the far passenger side of the windshield. This crack grew faster than any crack I have ever seen. Within 15 minutes, the crack continued to grow vertically, about 45% up the passenger side of the windshield. It began to taper off to the right a little and currently ends at the far, far edge of the passenger side windshield, once again, not to sound redundant, but 45% of the way up. Money is really tight right now, so I can't replace the windshield, though that would be ideal, so I need a fairly cheap way to prevent it from growing any further, or maybe even a really cheap way to replace it. Thanks for the help.
Why does Obama wish to bury the Middle Class in the United States.?
According to Rush there is this guy with funny name in the administration and they are pushing the bad mortgages again, so believe that. Also have heard this before but it is said Lenin said to get rid of the middle class "grind them between inflation and taxation".
Im interested in getting a tattoo on my side and getting the words of psalms 35:1, i need to shorten the words?
i need to shorten the words of that scripture (with out losing any of its meaning), in order for it to look good for my tattoo. i would like my tattoo the run vertically. also i was thinking about getting some kind of picture to go with it such as some tribal symbols or a animal. any suggestions?
Should I just add her on fb ?
friend her. if you have mutual friends you probably won't get rejected. if you do get rejected, though, send her a message, just saying that you've seen her out and that you live down the street. be very casual, don't seem like a stalker. don't force anything, either. in your message, just say maybe one time you could drop bye and meet her in person. good luck:)
I really need help with this bullet problem please!!?
a 55.0g bullet is fired vertically with an initial velocity of 123m/s. a) what is its velocity at its highest point of travel? b)what max. height does it reach? c) at what velocity does it hit the ground?
Is this a healthy choice of food for today?
if anything its to little if your doing a boxing workout routine which are intense and effect the body, youll need alittle more protein to gain the muscle/defenition.
Well? Do we believe it?
A desert dweller, buried at sea...Helicopter destroyed, but left behind...My Army son says he doesn't believe it...Weigh in, please?
Can dreams tell the future?
yes they can, i will have dreams and then i will see exactly what my dream was. its actually kind of creepy. if people only knew the truth.
What to do about baby birds? =[?
PUT THEM BACK. It does not matter if you touch them..this is an old wives tale..the parents will still care for them. You should ALWAYS check for birds nests during the spring season when you mow or trim. Is there an area VERY close to where the original nest was to place them back where they are not totally exposed? Try to only move the nest slightly from where it was found and the parents should still be able to hear the babies calls and will continue to care for them. If for some reason you cannot get them back to their need to take them to a local wildlife rehab.
How do I make an imaginary world?
I'm not crazy, and if you're wondering I do have friends. I'm not planning to use this world as a way to escape my life. In fact, today's pretty much the first day I've been by myself, been at friends houses or the beach all summer basically. So I just thought of this idea today. Anyways, I've always wanted to make an imaginary world that I can just go to when I'm by myself. I think it'd be cool to just be able to fly or do crazy ****. A friend convinced me to try pot one time, and that helped a little with imagining.. but I'm not looking to do drugs again. Is there anyone who has an imaginary world that knows how to create and actually "go into" your world? Best answer will be given I promise.
Does this girl deserve me?
Alright...where do i begin? Okay so i met this girl maybe i dunno *scratches head* 4 months ago. And we were really good friends for the first month. But after a month I began to like her. So i told her I liked her and she said she liked me. Well, we started to talk and hangout. Then this other kid (pot smoker, has been arrested, failing school, has had sex several times and is only 14, flat out loser) asked her out and she said yes. FML. So I told her who the kid was and i told her he would hurt her. But she didn't listen. the end of the 2nd month he asked her for nude pictures and she dumped him. So month three comes around and we continue talking then we sorta got in a fight because she began to like the loser kid again and we stopped talking. And then beginning of June we hangout and she informed me she was dating a different kid now who lives one hour away from her house. We started talking and then this kid cheats on her with another girl and she "loves him too much" to dump him. So we fought again and stopped talking. Then about 2 days ago. She texted me and said she was sorry and wants to go out with me. Should I say no? She isn't a slut or a loser.
How to transfer a potted plant to the ground?
Is there a way to take a potted plant and replant it in the ground so that it continues to grow? If so, what is the easiest way?
Will the tattoo on my side stretch?
next tuesday im getting a tattoo vertically on my side. its not that big, its about 6 inches long and about 1 inch wide. im wondering if i have a kid one day...will my tattoo stretch? if it does would it go back to normal??
I need help caring for my cactus?
I just bought a cactus. It is very small. And has a green stalk and a red bit where the spikes go. I want to know how to care for it. How much water it's needs and how often. Also how much sunlight and any other useful information that i will need to care for it. It is in a small pot with holes in the bottom by the way. I'm not very good with plants so don't go really technical. Thanks
Monday, July 18, 2011
I accidentally put metal in the microwave?
I was making soup and I forgot that you cant put metal in a microwave, I put it in a metal pot for 4 minutes, went upstairs and when it stopped and beeped I could smell smoke. There was no fire, but now the inside of the microwave is all black and the handle on the pot started to melt :l I just need to know that it's not going to somehow explode all of a sudden, even though I'm not going to turn it on again.
Special entry programs into university or TAFEs?
Go to a disadvantaged school where only a few students pass your 12 - your TER is increase by a couple of numbers. Indigenous Australians are eligible for ABSTUDY which does not have as many restrictions as AUSTUDY to qualify for. Apart from that there are no special entry programs or quotas for getting into University. Some Rural students can apply for a residential scholarship to attend the residential colleges attached to the main universities of the state but only once they have already got into the university on their own merits.
What is the name of the operative system with the square buttons and the hands?
i remember around the time windows 3.1 was released, i didn't have it yet and and i had this os on my new machine, big square buttons with the app's icons in the middle, and the cursor has a hand, and you could choose between skinny hand, fat hand, white hand and black hand, scrolling horizontally and vertically. i think it didn't use the mouse, so you had to move with the keyboard arrows and press enter to run the application.
Why do I feel like this? I'm just not 'normal'.?
typical 16 year old girl (jk), but you actually sound, well, not normal, but in a good way. i don't like how people go out partying and all the shyt , i won't go to college either, but because i'm too poor for that. i believe that this world needs more labor kind of working people.
What do you think of a girl with these 3 tattoos and piercings in these.. places?
I would think she likes to express herself and she finds it easy to do through tattoos and piercings. I find nothing wrong with it at all (:
Do Christians teach their children that humans were once primitive cave dwellers who wore animal skins…?
…and used stone tools to hunt and survive? And ever since that time, our technology has been growing and growing and our societies have been becoming more and more advanced? Christians do accept this summary of our history as reality, right? This doesn't conflict with their bizarre dogma, does it?
How to care for a red top yule cactus?
Hi, i just found out that that my cactus is a red top yule cactus. unfortunately there is no place in my town that can tell me how to care for it. It is very small and in a smaall pot. I couldnt find out how to care for it on any website. Anyway, how much water do i need to give it? (ml,l) its in a small pot by the way. How much sunlight does it need? do you have any other tips? when should i give it a bigger pot?
How to i flirt with this kid and be more then a friend with him?
Ok I hung out with my friend and his friends last week. This is my first time hanging out with all guys by myself. So we go over his friends house to smoke some pot. But I am starting to like the guy whose house I went over. I added him on facebook and he accepted and he gave me his number first!! J I am happy about that, but the only thing is I want a relationship with him. Its summer and I want to hang out again. Even though I hung out with him once he seemed very nice. Even though he had the looks but I love his personality. And I am not usually loving personality. What do I do and say through a text to make myself more flirty but not too much enough to drop a hint? Also how many days should i text him without being stalkerish?
What is the difference between a pressure cooker and a normal pot?
pressure cooker you are not suppose to open it until like hours later and it cooks on slow speed but it cooks thourly
Could my pendulum be off?
I bought a pendulum a few weeks back and when I ask a yes question it goes in a circle. When its a no question it swings vertically. I always thought it swung horizontally when it was yes and in a circle when unknown. Thoughts?
Tetra tank setup, ready. Are these fish okay and which should I add first?
i think that would be fine. i would add one school at a time because they are tetras every few weeks. it doesnt really matter which ones you put in first.
How long will pot brownies stink up your house?
I plan on making cannabis oil to use in these brownies. I know it will stink up the house but for how long? I plan on opening all the windows in my house to ventilate.
What do you think? :):)?
Amazing, you will defiantly get it published if you try! Your English is perfect and you explain things well, and I would think you're in between 15-20. Pictures would be nice so the person reading it can have some visuals. But amazing! When you choose a best answer put your age there so I can see if I was right. Amazing!
What do you get labeled in school?
I get labeled "stoner", "pot head", "emo", "loner", and "goth".
How much do you pay to live in America?
Well, renters do pay a land tax, but not directly. It is calculated and factored into the rent they pay. The landlord actually pays it, but he gets the money to pay it from the rent the renter pays for the house or apartment.
Red tail shark floating sideways?
We have a red tail shark in a 10 or 20 gallon tank with angel fish, an algae eater, and barbs. The shark has been floating vertically towards the top of the tank for the last few days. However, it does swim away when startled. Does anyone know what is wrong with it and/or how we can help it?
Downtown dwellers: Is it okay to run/jog in the skyway system?
I normally like to run outside, but Minneapolis gets ridiculously cold during the winter. I'm connected to the skyway system downtown, and all the skyways are very spacious. Do you think anyone would be upset if I went for a run in the skyway system?
Are these random Yu-Gi-Oh cards good? Should I add on to them?
sakuretsu armor, united we stand, mystical space typhoon are pretty decent, a good idea to start with a deck would probably be by starting with a starter deck that is premaid, u can usually buy them at wal mart or shopko.
Teens only! what to do in OC new jersey?
so all of my friends go down to O.C for spring break and there always saying how much of a good time they had meeting boys and kissing them and smoking pot. now i'm not one to smoke but i want to know how to meet these "boys". now i'm not saying i'm a social retard. i've hooked up with plenty of boys and had my share of boyfriends.i'm not shy i am just curious i've been down to OC before and i'm not sure if it was just because i was too out going or i wasn't the normal Ocean city trash that normally walks around the board walk i just don't know what to do. i am bringing my best friend down who REALLY knows how to party. well not as much as me but with her i am guaranteed a good time no matter what. my mom is a single parent so she really doesn't care about what we do, we have to be in the house by 11 but we can sneak out after 12 with out my mom caring. my house is on 3rd street if that helps. and i am NOT looking for someone to say "just be yourself" i am looking for ways for people to meet others or experiences of others. and what to wear and do. but most importantly PLACES to go. thanks!!
Will marijuana ever be legalized?
The state of ny just legalized gay marriage no one ever imagined that happening so what are the chances pot becoming legal its never killed anyone like beer & prescription drugs do on a daily basis.
Fallout: New Vegas Nuka Cola uses?
I have an obsession with collecting all the unique items. Most of the variations of items in the fallout games are unique and should be used to decorate houses etc. :)
How can I make my melefic deck better?
You could improve this deck by removing junk cards like Luster Dragon, Draining Shield, and Dweller in the Depths.
Who is in the wrong here?
My fiancee smokes pot and I HATE it, I mean, I have nothing against smokin' folk, but when he smokes, he becomes negligent, ignores me, and gets dependent on it and if he can't find any, he resorts to spice (incense K12) and that makes him downright disrespectful and careless to everything and anything that pertains to me. I asked him ( this was like 3 months ago) if he would be respectful enough to ask me before he just goes off and does it since it is something I really hate. I said "if you have the respect enough to ask if it would bother me, it would really make things a lot smoother". I am not trying to control him, cause he knows he does whatever he wants, I just want him to realize that something that makes me uneasy, should be discussed, as if my opinion on the matter is valid in whether he does it or not. So for the past 3 months, just about every time he wants to buy some, he comes up, tries to manipulate me with hugs and kisses and of course I say it is okay, I have been so lenient and okay with it cause he has had the respect to ask me. Yesterday, he dawns on me that "it doesn't matter what you say, yes or no.. I am going to do it anyway cause I neeeeeeeed it, my job sucks" I said "so why did you ask me in the first place!" he said "cause you asked me to, so you would think your opinion is valid when it really isn't, you can't control me, I am going to do what I want, and when I want, you have no say" I said " I don't want to control you, I just don't like you doing it! What, you think I wanted you to ask me cause I just wanted to hear the words?" After all that, with no solution, we played the silent treatment, went to his moms for a feast, at this time he was starting to be nice to me, as if he was going to be sorry. On the way back, we drove to walmart and parked right along side his Cousins car (his cousin was in the car) my fiancee hands me a 20$ bill and asks me to go shopping for food, I look dumbfounded as to why we are here, then he gets out of the car to get into his Cousins car and I go "are you kidding me? After this huge, unsolved argument that took the whole day you are going to go smoke up in your cousins car and send me to buy milk and eggs.." he goes "yup, well if you want to buy cookies, go ahead, I told you I am going to do what I want, see you in a bit". So now I am infuriated by his audacity, who is in the wrong here, and who is in the right, if anyone, just be honest. I need someone to make sense.
How to not get caught doing pot?
Best way to not get caught doing something illegal is to NOT DO IT. NOT doing something like this is a sign of maturity. Don't give in to either peer pressure or the need to experiment.
If There Were to be a Fallout 3 Movie?
Ah yes, the Road Warrior, and all of Mad Max's films are all great and a must see for any fallout fan. Mainly because most of fallout's ideas came from those movies. But if there was to be a fallout movie whos to say that megaton and lucas simms doesn't get blown up? I personaly enjoy living in ten penny tower with all the ghouls instead of with the snoby rich people or in megaton.
What food can i take to a festival and cook on camping stove?
any thing you want i cook a lot in a dutch oven a lot you can slow cook are even bake in them but there is no end to what you can do if you want to 25 years of cooking
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Help fix this run-on sentence?
There are several issues in New York that should be addressed by the addition of new laws that could positively benefit New York dwellers.
Which direction should the wolfsangel sit?
Which angle should the wolfsangel sit to co-opt the strength of wolves? I have seen it placed horizontally and vertically, I am wondering which is the one I am looking for. Please link source.
Is marijuana a carcinogen?
it is not a carcinogen. thats not to say that the smoke isnt bad for your lungs. but there are no chemicals in weed. so your body can get rid of whats coming in. but its def, def! not laced with things that are in ciggarettes depending on if you are smoking the natural stuff that god made oppossed to the **** people lace (which pisses me off). because there are no chemicals in weed.
Help me identify this animal i saw last night?
Last night i saw an animal that i cannot identify, it had a ringed tail, looked to be about 2 feet tall at the shoulders, weighing anywhere from 30-45 lbs if i had to guess. It galloped kinda sorta when it ran. Kinda looked like a cat but was definitely not and was to big to be one, it wasn't a dog. I'm familiar with most of the wildlife in my area (Raleigh, NC) and this did not look indigenous to my area. I've been online looking for a while trying to identify it. It looked like it might have been a nocturnal tree dweller. Maybe something that you would see in Australia. If anyone has any guesses on what it might be I would love your input.
Brief Description of HEAVENS and its Delights and its Dwellers, with regard to Islam?
The reality of paradise is it only exists in the mind. It is not a real place and nobody is going there.
What can i house in a tropical 20 gallon tank?
I recently bought a 20 gallon tank with a heater and built in filter and i was thinking of keeping tropical fish any ideas i'd like some colourful fish,schooling fish,pleco and a bottom dweller maybe a shrimp? and ideas on how many and what species?
Nuva Ring? please help?
The ring does have to be kept in the fridge - basically, heat makes it activate which makes sense if you consider where you're using it. You don't have to remove or replace the ring at any certain time like you did with the pill but you do have to make sure you only use one for three weeks, remove it, and replace it with a new one a week later. The ring is much more flexible when it comes to timing. What I found was the easiest way to put it in was to bend it into the shape of a figure 8.
Why would i get a high voltage reading (55mv) for the bias on my fender scxd (superchamp xd)?
I tested It as per the schematic provided by fenders website. I had read that they are normally low like 30's to be on the safe side. So I opened her up to set it to 40 like it's supposed to be and when I test it it shows 55mv at tp22. so I adjust it to as low as the blue pot will go but it only goes to 45 mv. could it actually be lower and my reading be that off? I coudnt use a high quality meter.
I need a good lemon cake recipe?
I buy lemon cake mix & add poppy seeds. Bake in tube or bundt pan. top with glaze of confectioner's sugar & water while still warm.
Is there a way to predict how your child will look in Fable 3?
It's all about the spouse, not the upkeep. Upkeep is only for keeping the family(s) happy, and I believe the quality of their gifts.
Why did our "nonChrsitian Founding Fathers" say this uber Christian prayer at the first Continental Congress?
Because our Non Christians founding fathers were "outed as Christians" when it was found out that they were Puritans, Catholics, Church of England, Quakers, Presbyterians, Episcopals, and Baptist.
Hallowed be THY name. What name applies to all three of these?
The name that applies to all three of those is 'lithium'. That's the substance that you're supposed to take, as a paranoid schizophrenic, when you're in the middle of a manic/depressive cycle.
Do snakes, scorpions and other Aussie wildlife go into houses in the Aussie cities?
While it's not a regular thing,it does happen occasionally.We had a snake trying to get in our back door recently & had it not been for the quick thinking of my granddaughter it would have.We live on a 5 acre block in N.W.Sydney & there are lots of wild animals & snakes in the gully behind us so it's reasonable to expect them to come near the house.I found a possum in the family room one morning! He came in the cats door,lol. However,we haven't had an alligator in our pool as I heard one American family did recently, & the sharks stay in their own territory.
Looking for fable 3 pc savegame?
i would need a fable 3 pc version savegame,it should be just before completing the dweller camp quest at the beginning of the game,after resolving the 2 required quests in bowerstone.
Importing data from Excel to Word?
What you need is Mail Merge in Word. Just set up your master document (5x3 etc) then using MM link to your XL file. Insert the XL fields into the master sheet and format the fields as you wish them to appear. Use the Help files explaining how to use MM and follow the MM wizard and you should have no problems.
Any suggestions to fill out my tank?
I have absolutely no experience with cichlids and tiger barbs, so I can't answer that. What I'd do so you can have more fish is get a smaller and peaceful type of fish. Try male guppies and male platties. They are very colorful and friendly. Instead of fish for algae eaters, try snails. They are really fun to look at, too. And when they are up and about, they can cover quite a lot of ground in just a minute. You could also get 5 neon (or any other tetras) tetras to school together. Then, you can get some guppies, gouramis, platties, or other fish. To add some exotic colors, get a black molly. It'd be really cool to look at so many colorful fish, and then end up on a big solid black fish.
How can i vertical align text inside text box in word 2007?
i have a relatively big text box compared to text written inside. I can horizontally align the text inside the text box. But i want to vertically align the text so I can put text at top/middle/bottom as my wish. Can i do that in text box???
A mass of 30 kg is thrown vertically from 5 m height on a vertical spring of 5 m long.If the spring is contrac?
A mass of 30 kg is thrown vertically from 5 m height on a vertical spring of 5 m long.If the spring is contracted by 4 m as a result and the energy,at which the mass is thrown,is 500 j,find the spring constant k.
Why is "glass house dweller" Donald Trump(et) casting stones?
He is arrogant and he regards himself as a real possibility to be a presidential candidate and by using populist tactics he will get tons of media coverage and backing from people who only read the headlines of junk newspapers and never read anything else.
World Geography please check my answers?
4)c Monaco a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a 5)c Africa a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a 9)d my opinion
Saturday, July 16, 2011
When is it best to plant a germinated sunflower seed?
i've decided to plant sun flowers. i found some seeds on the ground and i put them in a damp paper towel. they've all sprouted with little white things comming out of the top of them like a dog shoots its red rocket. i was wondering when a good time to plant them in a plant pot/outside would be? like what stage of the germination?
Why are Corydoras so fragile? Can you suggest me a bottom feeder that is hardy?
Can anyone suggest me a bottom dweller that is hardy? I have a 20 gallon tank. I do water changes every 10-14 days and I have real plants in it, a power filter, around 10 neons and a male and female betta. Last week, I bought 2 corydora small catfish but they didn't make it. Can anyone recommend me a hardy bottom feeder? I don't want a pleco because they poop a lot.
Spiritually speaking, if you caught a leprechaun - what three wishes would you make?
"A leprechaun is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief. The leprechauns spend all their time busily making shoes, and store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If ever captured by a human, a leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for his release. Popular depiction shows a leprechaun as being no taller than a small child, with a beard and hat, although they may originally have been perceived as the tallest of the mound-dwellers."
Isn't it interesting how the 'new' competing economies still have big slums?
No not interesting. Predictable and unsurprising, exactly what anyone would expect. Hence the "-ing" in the term developing economy.
My friends don't care..can you help? Abusive Relationship..?
Okay.. First thing. Stop smoking pot. Thats just being stupid. Second, it was stupid for you to go back. I understand where your friends are getting at. You screwed up your live. Get rid of the guy, take him to court again if you have to, focus on your future, find new good friends and start over, maybe even move. Don't let anyone drag you around, or force you into things. This is just a suggestion.
Good dog breeds for apartment dwellers?
Here's the catch - my ideal dog would be a German Shepherd. I prefer large dogs with a great deal of intelligence and they fit the bill. Problem: I live in an apartment. Also, I have allergies to many dogs. It seems a GSD is out, since they're not good for apartments or allergy sufferers :( Any suggestions for large dogs like a German Shepherd that don't shed as much and are good in apartments? I don't like poodles or terriers...
Sundew Plant not sticky?
I have a miniature carnivorous bog in a decent sized pot with two small Sun-dew plants, and a Venus' flytrap. Unfortunately I did not realise that too much direct sunlight would hurt the plants as my Sun-dew is not very sticky and is not producing the droplets. When I looked at it under a magnifying glass I could see that there were no droplets of sap and the hairs were burnt at the end. What could I do to remedy this? Thank you for taking your time to read this and I appreciate all of your answers. :)
Tv problems!!!? Gray for some reason?
For some reason, our tv has ha a 1 inch thick black line that runs vertically for about 3 months. However, now it has that, and the screen is permanently gray, but I can still watch the television shows....everything is just fuzzy and gray. Also the tv is like 5 years old so it might just be that. Anybody know why? Please helpp
An electron moves with a horizontal velocity of as it enters a deflector inside a TV tube. The electron stri?
An electron moves with a horizontal velocity of as it enters a deflector inside a TV tube. The electron strikes the screen after traveling horizontally and vertically upward. What is the constant vertical acceleration provided by the deflector?
How can I get this STENCH out of my car?
Sprinkle Baking Soda or Washing Crystals over the area that has caused the smell, leave overnight then vacuum off! The Baking Soda and Washing Crystals absorb the odour.
So my brother deals pot...?
So my 21 year old brother has always walked all over my mom. He is away at college and she pays his rent car payment EVERYTHING. He hasn't worked the last three years at college and claims to be making money doing so callled odd jobs. Somehow he can afford a brand new mustang. I knew he smoked pot and drank but recently I found out from multiple reliable sources he deals and grows it too. The worst part is that his frat is actually covering the grow op. There are multiple witnesses. He knows my boyfriend of three years (who wears my dads wedding ring as a promise ring) and I smoke once every few months and has tried to rat us out to my mom multiple times. Im 20 have a full time job and was giving my mom loans out of a trust fund from my dad dying so she could help him make ends meet. He brags about making 2000 a week! So he literally has been using my dead dads money I have been saving to get a reliable car and finish college to deal pot. What the hell do I do? I don't know if my mom would even believe me. I thought about leaving an anonymous tip with the citys police department but its a small college town and idk if they'd even do anything plus I don't know if I could deal with knowing I put my own brother in jail. Help??!
If I paint on hard boiled eggs with actual paint (acrylic) will it harm the actual egg inside?
There shouldn't be much of a problem. The reason some eggs turn color is because the shell is semi-permeable, which means it lefts some air and water through to help the chick inside grow (even if there isn't a chick inside). Acrylic paints are usually a) non-toxic, and b) very fast drying, so you shouldn't get sick if you eat an egg painted with acrylics.
16 gallon bowfront cichlid stocking?
Or non cichlid stocking, it was going to be made for shell dwellers but i don't know if i want to go that route. It has crushed coral and sand as a substrate. which means the p.h. will be around eight. Any suggestions?
A Body is thrown from a height of h metre.At the same time a body is thrown vertically upwards in a velocity which would be able to go to the height of tower.At which height will they both meet???
Ramadan, why do girls of today carry no self-respect?
This made me teary-eyed, and i don't get teary easily.I think maybe because its true.I am not going to act like i don't talk about other people,as well as...the people around me constantly do.So i get caught up in it...hopefully i will grow as a human being, inshallah.May Allah guide us all.
Have you just watched Filthy Cities presented by Dan Snow ?
I seen it, Dan snow isn't a proper historian. he may have a history degree but there is no way he can call himself an historian. all he does is recount facts and tales, proper historian are supposed to be detectives as well and not just read from the boys big book of historical facts. mass immigration has a lot to do with why our towns are getting dirtier, asylum seekers must be seeking asylum from soap and washing powder.
Do you think religions were given to cave dwellers on earth by aliens from far off skies?
well, ancient humans either had very active imaginations to produce the elaborate drawings depicting unearthly beings/creatures that have been discovered in caves all around the world, or they were simply communicating things they saw and experienced as best they could. whether these discoveries have anything to do with the origin and establishment of religion, i don't know. religion has historically been used as a tool to instil fear in the common people and prevent them from retaliating against powerful oppressors throughout time. did aliens originally come up with that concept? i dunno.
I NEED HELP PLEASE! read below for question! thanks?
a robot shoot a ball vertically upwards at an initial speed at 30ms-1. how long does it take for the ball to reach its highest position?
Apartment Dwellers: Have you ever masturbated to the sound of your neighbors having sex?
I never they were young and attractive before I ever heard the bed squeaking - and yes, I whipped up a batch while listening.
Little Children's Show in the 90s?
Okey, there used to be this kids show in the late 90's, early 2000's. I don't really remember everything about it but there was a man who just sang a bunch of different songs and there was one where he sang and these kids ran around the streets with instuments made out of pots and pans, and there was another song where he was riding a bike infront of this, like, green screen and singing about the bike. But he sang a bunch of different songs. What was that show called?
What can I make with red potatos, and chicken?
For a much healthier approach, I would do rice with green beans (preferably brown rice), a salad with the spinach and lettuce, preheat oven to 420, put the breast in a baking dish along with diced potatoes. marinade them with melted butter, parsley and lime juice, salt and pepper. Your dish should be done in about 45 minutes.
But, how could u say that my tank is 81L? The lfs told me based on the lbh of my tank, it is 100L.?
Hi K.Plesner, thnx. But, how could u say that my tank is 81L? The lfs told me based on the lbh of my tank, it is 100L. Also help me, if it is not suited for Ap.s, what other fish can I have? I dont want to have schooling fishes but only 4/5 fishes(apart from the bottom dwellers). And my tank is a higher rather than a long one. Plz help.
How long does it take for a bruise on my foot to heal?
You might have pulled a muscle, as well as bruised your foot since it is swollen. If you can walk on it and it doesn't hurt as much then there is probably nothing seriously wrong with your foot. If it is just a bruise then it'll be gone in about a week. It only hurts to walk because there is a bruise there. Once the bruise is gone, you'll be fine. Plus, since your foot is already getting better, I'd say you have nothing to worry about. If it does get worse over the next couple of days, then you might want to see a doctor and they may give you some pain medicine. I highly doubt you will need a cast or anything. BTW, if you had happened to pull a muscle just take a hot bath every night and let the hot water relax your foot muscle. It takes about a month for a pulled muscle to heal, with using it as you normally would. If you baby it (treat it with a lot more care than needed) then it will take even longer to heal, so your best bet is to ignore it unless it gets worse. :) Hope my answer helped! :)
City pound or humane society? Considering adopting....haven't had a dog in over a decade...?
Well done, pound first but make sure you can handle the dog. Dobermans need to run at least one mile every day and live in the house, Labs get very fat and jump into every puddle of water they find, just examples mind its what they do and I love both breeds. However think of the advantages of two small dogs, they keep one another company, dont eat much, make noise when disturbed by strangers, love you to death and dont require much space. In fact the only difference is they have smaller poo's they still think they are wolves, and have fleas in Warm weather but dont you just love em. ((TOKE))
Why do most people think atheists are angry and hateful?
We don't suffer fools gladly. And if you want to see anger just try to point out the inconsistencies in the Old and New Testaments or refer them to evidence that both books had many authors over 1,500 years, that they reflect the cultural and political opinions of the times of the various writers and that not only is there evidence that any prophecies were fulfilled there is evidence that these prophecies were written after the fact. You want to see rage? Try getting them to actually do research on their own religion.
I live in Austalia and am turning 15 in about 2 months and I was just wondering if I can move out.?
My parents don't abuse me, they have hit me before but they do pot and I dont like being around it. My boyfriends mum knows about it and offered me to go stay with them. Can they force me to come home if I do?
How do I make him like me more then a friend?
Ok I hung out with my friend and his friends last week. This is my first time hanging out with all guys by myself. So we go over his friends house to smoke some pot. But I am starting to like the guy whose house I went over. I added him on facebook and he accepted and he gave me his number first!! J I am happy about that, but the only thing is I want a relationship with him. Its summer and I want to hang out again. Even though I hung out with him once he seemed very nice. Even though he had the looks but I love his personality. And I am not usually loving personality. What do I do and say through a text to make myself more flirty but not too much enough to drop a hint.
4 Rural persons = 1 Urban person. Which other despotic regimes apart from China have such unnatural laws?
Most any despotic/authoritarian regime that is built upon selecting a demographic as "scape goats" and promoting hatred of them would engage in such an inequitable practice. For example, Nazi Germany in which certain government-selected religious practices automatically made a person a "non-citizen" with no protection under the law.
Letting go of someone's past?
My boyfriend and i have been dating for about a year now. When we first started dating he was into pot and he even sold it for like 2 months. For a little while I overlooked it because I was in the "honeymoon stage" where it was very hard for me to see any flaw in my man, but as time went on, I asked him to stop and even broke up with him for a little bit because I was doubting my feelings for him. Now, I have no doubts I love this boy with all my heart and he loves me just as much. He stopped smoking/selling and even drinking almost. He said he did it for himself and he's never been happier in his life. I just have the hardest time letting go of the person he was when I first met him, not the person he is growing into. I'm in college so I know I'm still young and inexperienced with serious relationships, but I want to spend the rest of my life with this boy and truly give him my whole heart, but I can't do that without coming to terms with the past. I understand weed isn't even that bad and is legal is other parts of the country, but I'm still not okay with it. How do I come to terms that my boyfriend used to be a "pothead"?
What could this dream mean?
I had a weird dream last night. I was making a fruit pavolva with meringue, cream and fruit. I took a pot of cream out of the fridge and tried some and it was gone off! And I was just stood there making a horrible face and kind of like wincing because it tasted so bad. I could literally taste it in my dream. Was so weird. Then I went off to a party that was in a random person's shed at the bottom of their garden haha. What does rotten/gone off food signify?
Can I get my wisdom teeth extracted with a restricted jaw opening?
An oral surgeon is the right kind of Dr. to see. He/she will be able to work with your TMJ problem and your wisdom teeth. There is no reason for those teeth to come out at this time unless one or more of them is putting pressure on the nerve or is infected. Impacted only means that they are dormant in the jaw and cannot erupt. I only had three wisdom teeth to start with and the two top ones tried to erupt but with no tooth below to help them grow in correctly in place they became irritating and I had them extracted in my early 20's. The remaining one stayed put until I was in my 40's when it started to try to erupt sideways thru my gum. It had to be extracted by the oral surgeon. The oral surgeon will be able to give you a complete diagnosis about what is causing which problem and how to overcome your jaw lock so that any surgery deemed necessary can be performed. Your Mom doesn't have to be in the room for your consultation so have a frank discussion with the Dr. and if yuo do not get good answers ask for another opinion from a different practice.
Is it fun to drink while playing chess? (or get drunk)?
I'm only wondering because I have very fond memories of smoking pot while playing chess. Although I don't smoke much anymore, I was wondering if drinking and playing chess would be as much fun as smoking. I'm not really a drinker so was just wondering how the two mixed. Thanks!
How often should i water a chilli plant?
It's in a golden cayenne in a pot about 2 ft tall and 4 large peppers on it but it doesn't seem to be producing any more. I move it outside during the day so its getting sun etc. I'm in the UK and I water it every day and give it chilli focus once a week. Am I watering too much ?
Friday, July 15, 2011
Mirror effect for xp display.?
How to create a mirror effect in windows xp display (Not mirroring to a second window but to flip display horizontally). its just for a DIY projector that my monitor had to be flipped vertically and horizontally..
My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?
I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!???? (PS... WE are NOT Married and never were.
Pagans, do you consider Aboriginals part of your pagan community?
By definition, anyone who is not a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim is a pagan. Pagan is an umbrella term that covers yep, pretty much everything else. So yes in that very broad sense we I share that same overall umbrella community with Aboriginal cultures. I do not though think by any stretch of the imagination that that in any way entitles me or gives me insight into their beliefs or cultures.
What movie was this? I don't remember the name ...?
Ok, i watched this movie a really long time ago, but it was about a woman whose husband died, and his ghost was like following her/watching over her, and she was mourning over his death, and she always sat next to the spinny thing that you use to make ceramics or pottery, and she would make clay pots or whatever while she was like crying over his death. i don't know if that's enough info, but that's all i remember about it.
I'd like some suggestions of good community fish that like to be in the middle of the tank?
I'm a fan of the rasbora family of fish myself because they tend to be both tough and friendly, and half decent schoolers. Ones like harlequins, hengels, spotted, etc. can really work out nice. Other options you might consider are glass catfish (excellent, tight schooler), pencil fish, and of course, most fish from the Tetra family tend to be mid-dwellers, though I'm not much of a tetra fan myself.
Who is in the wrong here?
My fiancee smokes pot and I HATE it, I mean, I have nothing against smokin' folk, but when he smokes, he becomes negligent, ignores me, and gets dependent on it and if he can't find any, he resorts to spice (incense K12) and that makes him downright disrespectful and careless to everything and anything that pertains to me. I asked him ( this was like 3 months ago) if he would be respectful enough to ask me before he just goes off and does it since it is something I really hate. I said "if you have the respect enough to ask if it would bother me, it would really make things a lot smoother". I am not trying to control him, cause he knows he does whatever he wants, I just want him to realize that something that makes me uneasy, should be discussed, as if my opinion on the matter is valid in whether he does it or not. So for the past 3 months, just about every time he wants to buy some, he comes up, tries to manipulate me with hugs and kisses and of course I say it is okay, I have been so lenient and okay with it cause he has had the respect to ask me. Yesterday, he dawns on me that "it doesn't matter what you say, yes or no.. I am going to do it anyway cause I neeeeeeeed it, my job sucks" I said "so why did you ask me in the first place!" he said "cause you asked me to, so you would think your opinion is valid when it really isn't, you can't control me, I am going to do what I want, and when I want, you have no say" I said " I don't want to control you, I just don't like you doing it! What, you think I wanted you to ask me cause I just wanted to hear the words?" After all that, with no solution, we played the silent treatment, went to his moms for a feast, at this time he was starting to be nice to me, as if he was going to be sorry. On the way back, we drove to walmart and parked right along side his Cousins car (his cousin was in the car) my fiancee hands me a 20$ bill and asks me to go shopping for food, I look dumbfounded as to why we are here, then he gets out of the car to get into his Cousins car and I go "are you kidding me? After this huge, unsolved argument that took the whole day you are going to go smoke up in your cousins car and send me to buy milk and eggs.." he goes "yup, well if you want to buy cookies, go ahead, I told you I am going to do what I want, see you in a bit". So now I am infuriated by his audacity, who is in the wrong here, and who is in the right, if anyone, just be honest. I need someone to make sense.
How can i get him interested in me?
so you feel that you're better than the girl that he actually likes or pretty much better than anyone else? hmmmm.... maybe she possesses something that you don't.
Physics. Does something swirling or swinging make some work?
Hi. I would like to know if there is work when we swing an object. Example, a stone tied and then swung horizontally or vertically. What factors can affect it?
How can i make money no matter where i live?
i plan on becoming a van dweller here soon so i can travel the country. my only problem is since i don't have much in the way of savings is how do i make money while traveling? it has to be legal and something i can do in the boondocks or in a city. i am a 22 year old male with a high school diploma. the way i see it i'd like to make around $800 to $1000 a month at least but i can make do on $600. a month.
How Can A Fix A Row Of Pixels That Are Stuck "Blue"?
About 3-4 months ago i windexed my laptop screen and turned it off...when i woke up the next morning....there was a line of "Blue" pixels on the screen the go vertically. The whole row of them is stuck in this "Blue" color... Any fix?
Homeless kittens please help?
I felt bad when I read your story and read that the smallest cat was run over. (Maybe it was an accident, not intentional.) Honestly, if I were u I would adopt them. I had lived for about 15 years on the 11 th and 14th floor of a building that had a very small terrace. When I wanted to go out on the terrace I would close the living room door so they couldn't come into the room with the terrace. You just need to be careful. You sound like a caring and thoughtful person and would make an excellent cat owner. : ) BTW just because they look totally different, doesn't mean they aren't from the same litter (it just mean that they have different fathers, cats mate several times when they are in heat, sometimes with different males. Or should I say the different males mate with them. )The cats both already get along, they already trust you and u already love and care for them. If u have any questions contact me. BTW if u really don't want to adopt them, call different no-kill animal shelters. BTW I also lived for 5 years in a 4th floor walk up.
Two ladders are placed cross-wise in an alley to form a lopsided X-shape. The walls of the alley are not quite?
vertical, but are parallel to each other. The ground is flat and horizontal. The bottom of each ladder is placed against the opposite wall. The top of the longer ladder touches the alley wall 5 feet vertically higher than the top of the shorter ladder touches the opposite wall, which in turn is 4 feet vertically higher than the intersection of the two ladders. How high vertically above the ground is that intersection
My school friends don't invite me to hang out?
just keep smoking pot and hang with your pothead freinds . but dont do other drugs .and they are prolly just bullshitN about the crazy fun they have
Will the U.S. mission to "spread democracy" to primitive, tribal cave dwellers in Afghanistan succeed?
I'm not optimistic, nor do I think "spreading democracy" to primitive, tribal cave dwellers should ever be tried.
What do you think of this statement?
about inner city ghetto dwellers " if the can't eat it,drink it of fu@k it they destroy it "
Atention nebraskan dwellers, i need info on lake McCanahay.?
My family goes camping there every year, but the water level is so high we don't know what the camping is going to be like. If someone can tell us if there is any beach acess, if you can get a boat in the water, and how much camping there actualy is that would be great. Also if you could send pictures that would would be awsome, the website doesent help much.
Please help me if u can! Its about my career?
I've completed my 12th with 80% in which i have got 90% in maths and 78 % in computer but now I am in great dilemma! I am confused between B.C.A ( Bachelor of Computer Applications) and BSc in computer Science.Am interested in computer field but i am not a science student though i had computer science as a subject in 12th.Now can you please tell me what should i pot for....B.C.A or BSc computer science..Thank you in advance
Did I choose the wrong guy?
You answered your own question, you are with the wrong guy, get away from him, maybe the other one isn't the one either but gees the one you're with now is a ****. You are strong and independent don't stay with someone so rude, but don't buy in to lies either, go back or just move on from both.
2 vehicles. One has a yield sign, the other on the opposite side has a stop sign. Who gets to go?
the yield sign was installed to warn drivers of oncoming traffic from the "right of way". But of course other drivers may not see things "my way" or "your way" so your safest bet is to assume that everyone is blind. Drive safely.
Is it fun to drink while playing chess? (or get drunk)?
I'm only wondering because I have very fond memories of smoking pot while playing chess. Although I don't smoke much anymore, I was wondering if drinking and playing chess would be as much fun as smoking. I'm not really a drinker so was just wondering how the two mixed. Thanks!
Should i leave my boyfriend?
Regardless of the infidelity to the relationship, if you have a doubt about a relationship then it will not last. It is already over in your mind. Life is too short lot play house. You need to grow up, get married and enjoy being a FAMILY! Because in life that is the most important thing, Family!
Having trouble picking bottom dweller/ algae eater?
im debating on getting 4 corys but i also need something to eat algae i cant decide whether i should get otos or cherry shrimp? also, can corys get along with shrimp or otos since they will mostly be at the bottom?
If I play pot of duality can wulf special summon itself on the Sam turn?
M problem with this is that wulf's effect is compulsory and I don't special summon it, it special summons itself, thanks for any help
Where can I buy a pot for my 7' artificial tree near downtown Chicago?
I live around the loop and ordered a 7' artificial bamboo tree for my living room. I have absolutely no idea where to look for a pot, or the floral foam (or plaster?).
If a ball is thrown vertically upward from the roof of foot building with a velocity of ft/sec, then?
what is the maximum height the ball reaches? Also, What is the velocity of the ball when it hits the ground?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What are some bottom dweller fish? PLEASE HELP?
Well firstly get 3 more female plattys and then u could either try the 2-3 Otis like u said maybe 4 but get algea wafers for them, OR 1 albino bristlenose pleco. U could get a male guppy if u want, but that means more babies
1080p hd monitor read entire question inside :)?
professionals would say there are less pixels per inch on the 27" monitor. so the pixels are indeed bigger or they are just a little farther apart.
Pointe Help Please :D?
I also have strong and high arches and wide feet. I also started with Bloch Balance European, but when i went back the next time my arches were to strong and would have broke the shanks after a few practices. Gamba 97 worked well for me, but when i went back to get new shoes she said my feet got wider or something so i ended up getting Solo by Suffolk Pointe Company and have loved them.
Fable 3 Achivements broken STEAM VERSION?
The game keeps counting over the amount of things I am supposed to do kill or collect. And even ones like gain the trust of the dwellers aint working. I have no achievements and I am currently on the masquarade level.
Which is the most plausible reason to announce OBL's death now?
Even if everything we are told about the death of Bin Laden is true, there are political advantages which are likely to be exploited.
A stone is thrown vertically upward from a bridge.,...?
The bridge is 100m high if the stone hits the water 4 seconds later what is the initial velocity with which the stone was thrown.
Im looking for a tv mount that adjust vertically, that i can mount high and "pull" down?
they make so many that adjust horizontally and tilt to adjust vertically, but the place we are moving into has built in cabinets that are about 5.5-6 ft tall. i dont want to mount the tv on the cabinets, but i would like to mount it above and be able to "pull" it down when we are going to watch it and have it out of the way when we are not and it not affect the look that we have at our new place.
What trouble can I face at a house party with alcohol and possible weed?
Ok so I live in Massachusetts where the marijuana law is decriminalized to an ounce or less is a fine. My question is if I go to a house party at a friend's house (not my own) and smoke/drink but don't have any weed on me and drink very little, can I get in trouble for anything if police are called? There will be 1 possible minor at the party, and I know the host is responsible in this state, however, is everyone else (including me) at the party responsible as well? I have a designated driver and don't plan on getting smashed since the party consists of co-workers, I just want to know my rights as the party go-er not the host or the underage kid or the one with possession of pot. Just the party go-er who partakes.
Where can I find these Jackass stunts?
People may know this if they own the Jackass: The Lost Tapes DVD. In the intro, where they showed various stunts, they showed a few that I don't even remember seeing. One was a guy dressed up as a chicken suit on the side of the road, hitchhiking or something like that. Another one was Brandon DiCamillo being woken up by having a pot thrown at the side of his face. Another one showed what may have been Chris Raab running on the side of he road with no shirt on and a knee pad on one knee. The LAST one I didn't know was where an unknown person was on the top of the van and the van stopped in a dirt pile, throwing the person in the pile. What were these stunts? Where can I find them? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE…
Sims 3 isn't loading?
I got sims 3 today and put it in my COMPAC laptops hard drive. I followed all the instructions. But when I open it, and press play. My screen goes black for a second then it goes back on vertically with a window that says sims 3 (its black) and another small window that says "Unable to start game Servoce initialization failed (0x0175d825)
Where can i get my copy of halo resurfaced?
I accidentally bumped my xbox while it was standing vertically and the laser touched my disc and put a nice light ring around it. now when i go to play halo it loads and then turns the whole screen green. i have been told that this can be fixed with a disc resurfacer. Does gamestop have one or something?
Where should I look for a teen girlfriend?
I'm in high school now, where should I look for a girlfriend. There are no acceptable ones in my school, and I'm not looking for one of those dime a dozen mall dwellers, I'm looking for the big game, high standards of the girl are not my concern. My concern is whether she meets my standards. I know that a lot of you are going to give me the easy answers (look in the mall, lower your standards, try online) I want one that's a one in a million, not one of a million. I'm looking for three things in a girl: good looking, intelligent, and not another twilight obsessed frilly girl. My standards may be high, but I'm in no rush for a prom date and I'm not making any compensations on this matter.
Why are people laughing about Alabama's misfortune?
I guess they are mad because we are too conservative for them whatever that means and I suppose City dwellers don't have knowledge of guns and quads and things we enjoy. But to you who are laughing, Alberta City is the poor part of Tuscaloosa and when people don't have a place to go, they really don't. The Red Cross is there and neighbors are getting help so they can return to there homes.
Am I being paranoid or are my worries justified?
I live alone in an appartment that's in a bad neighborhood (strip club and crackhead motel beside it yards away) and about three weeks ago someone tried to break in through the window. My upstairs neighbors scarred him off but ever since then I have been extremly paranoid at night. By paranoid I mean I usually don't get to sleep before 3:00 in the morning and when I do try to sleep I sleep for a few minutes at a time and then im up at every slight noise. That usually goes on until it is daylight outside. Then I go into a deep sleep. The hospital diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and an anxiety disorder. To tell a little about my past mental state, earlier this year when I was not on meds I was convinced that members of my family where trying to murder me. Then I would have psycotic episodes involving me thinking a monster was entering my dreams and controling my actions. I honestly don't know if this paranoia I am experiencing is reasonable. I am on heavy psych meds right now and night is the only time it happens. I have resorted to desperate mesures to get to sleep and all any of it does is sidate me. That includes pot which does not make me paranoid but lazy and xanax that is not mine. The only thing that can make me sleep is if I take 2 or 3 mg of xanax with my five psych meds. Is this something my doctor needs to know about or is a moove needed. Also other than this I am doing very well with my mental state so that is why I am hesitant about telling him.
Why is the Religion/Spirituality section so inhospitable, for the most part, to unbelievers?
The open bigotry, as well as ignorance of the religion and spirituality section of this website is, to me, nothing short of astonishing. Do you believe it is inherently one-sided, or that the internet dwellers just choose it as their breeding-ground for hate speech?
A tattoo of the meaning of my name written vertically in Hebrew?
My name is Tiffany and i want to get a tattoo in Hebrew say "revelation of god" going down verticaly. i looked online and got גילוי של אלוהים but i do not know if it makes a difference written horizontally or vertically???
How often should I water my tomato and pepper plants?
I have young cherry tomato and pepper plants growing in pots on my deck. How often should I water them? Also, when do the vegetables usually start to sprout?
Poll: How much make up do you use?
Me: Translucent powder, usually brown or pink sometimes silver and purple eye shadow, and mascara I only really wear eyeliner during winter because I'm ALWAYS outside and it will just run but when I do I use Stila gel smudge pots and put it on very thin to emphasize my eyes and NOT on the waterline.
Will a male betta get along with an algae eater?
I have a 5 gallon tank and have had my crowntale beta for about 3 months now. I know that you have to be careful about what kind of fish go in the same tank as a beta if any at all. My question is, can I have an algea eater (bottom dwelling) fish in there with him? And if so, do you have to buy special food since it is a bottom dweller? Thanks!
Can I hang patterned wallpaper over painted lining paper?
My walls in the living room aren't in the best condition, so we lined the walls and then painted them. Now we want patterned wallpaper up. Will it be ok to hang the wallpaper over the lining paper? Matt emulsion was used, not silk and the lining paper was unfortunately hung vertically.
Coughing while smoking (weed vs cigs)?
Different cause for irritation. Irritation causes coughing. But the cough will subside as you get used to irritating yourself like that.
Considering Leaving Marraige?
I have been with my husband for 5 years, married 1. He is a heavy pot smoker, and I started almost two years ago after a car accident to try and relieve pain, and because I felt we would get along better (he also grows). He has also has a big porn addiction. I caught him right before he proposed to me on a trashy dating website telling a woman how beautiful she was trying to get pictures and I almost left him over it....Last month he had porn all over my house and I found out he was masturbating in a public place (Gym Sauna). Hell froze over. He was being lazy, not helping with the chores, never saves his money, and he is not very educated, we have never really had personal conversations and now I feel stupid. We are good friends but I am starting to wonder if he should have only stayed as a friend. We have sports in common and when we are doing something physical we are great, but when we go out to dinner or do something just the two of us he talks about construction and how he hates mexicans. I am in a business field, and I cannot talk to him about my job because he doesnt understand it and he doesn't really hold much value in it. I am a good looking woman, and I constantly have men wanting to sweep me away but I dont want to hurt my husbands feelings or feel like I failed. I have been silent for so long with my husband because of his temper and I just try to keep a smile on my face and suck it up, but I dont think I can continue. This last month I finally said something and we have been at odds ever since. I want someone who I can share a mental relationship with. I want to feel like I can talk to them about kids, money and life without feeling like I have to guide them every step of the way. I want to feel like I am taken care of rather than being the care taker. My husband has done a 180 recently with helping out and has been doing chores, cuddling with me, and trying to spend time, but I cannot seem to get the mental connection of feeling close to him. I am no longer smoking because of my jobs demands and I dont think it was really helping. I am lost and I need help. I want to go to a marriage counselor but I know when we do go he will complain about the money and having to take time off of work.
What should i do when my friend?
continues to smoke pot,knowing it is bad for her.she also has a habit of staying on her phone texting guys when we hang out.we have been friends since 7th grade and we are now 11th graders.should i not be her friend anymore?
How to tone lower abs?
My stomach is pretty much toned (I have a basic 4/6 pack aha!) apart from my lower abs, I guess you'd say I've got a slight pot belly. How do I tone this so it's nice and flat and firm? Keep in mind I don't have time or money for the gym! So it has to be something that can be done at home that will work.
I thought Corries were bottom dwellers....?
But mine are SPASTIC. They're everywhere in the tank. Is that normal. They crash into each other frequently and I don't think my Betta knows what to do with them.
I need to gain trust back!?
So I had some text messages about smoking pot on my phone & my mom saw them so she grounded me. She doesn't understand that I am a teenager and like all teenagers I am going to experiment with things. She treats me like I'm 2 & wont let let me outta the house. Help me gain her trust back please!
A stone is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 28m/s. (a) find the maximum height reached by the?
stone. (b) find its velocity 1 second before it reaches the maximum height. (c) does the answer of part (b) change if the initial speed is more than 28m/s such as 40m/s or 80m/s ?
Help I HATE my mom!!!!!!!!!!!!?
My mom and I were always very close. I was also close with my grandma shes only 55 so no like she old and not fun or anything. My gram is crazy but i love her. I would talk to her on the phone every night before bed because she live far away in FL with her brother, my moms uncle. I would visit my gram 2 times a year. But last summer I went to visit her with my 2 older cousins they are 14 and 15 and im 13. WELL my cousin are sister and they smoke and do pot and stuff but their parents don't know. My uncle who lives with my gram is a big pot head hes and asshole i hate him..he thinks hes a philosopher. While i was there he made us smoke pot and cigarettes and got me drunk. I was sexually abused when i was there. My gram had no idea what was going on because she was always at work. By the time i arrived home my mom noticed i was different and my aunt noticed the same with my cousins. I tried telling my mom but she didn't believe me. eventually my cousins had the same story as me and my mom believed us. she cut off all contact with my grandmother and told me I was no longer to talk to her. I hate my mother for this, there's not a day that goes by without me thinking of my experience. My grandma didn't do anything! It was all my uncle! Anyway since then my mom hs been going on like none of it happened like im fine and perfectly normal BUT im not! I don't know what to do.
What is the best crock pot? The programmable ones or the old-fashioned knob style ones? Any favorite brand?
I'm looking to buy a new crock pot and I'm not sure which is the best one to get. The old one I had was an old-fashioned type with a knob and three settings (without a meat probe). Which brand is the best (Rival, Hamilton Beach, Crock-Pot, or some other brand)? How often do you use yours?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
My rainbow shark is not the bottom?
i just got a rainbow i know they are bottom dwellers. But my rain bow shark is on top. My tank is 10 or 15 gallon The water is pretty cold. Is it because my cory catfish is already on the bottom.
Home remedies for cats to stop marking their territory?
Okay so our kitten will not stoppping peeing in our fake tree pot. Do you guys know of any home remedies I could put into the pot to make the cat stop peeing in it?? Thank you so much!
Maximum take off speed of a F-35B lightning with VTOL?
I am really interested in the F-35 jet and wanted to know what the maximum take off velocity of the F-35B is (it starts vertically). I calculated it by using E=m*g*h but with the sources i got, that would mean that the jet can only increase its height by 71cm/s, which in my opinion is really really slow. Can you please help me out and tell me if this could be a reasonable velocity or tell me the real value.
How can i make money no matter where i live?
i plan on becoming a van dweller here soon so i can travel the country. my only problem is since i don't have much in the way of savings is how do i make money while traveling? it has to be legal and something i can do in the boondocks or in a city. i am a 22 year old male with a high school diploma. the way i see it i'd like to make around $800 to $1000 a month at least but i can make do on $600. a month.
How can I train myself to sleep on my back?
Well through out the night I switch positions, but I always wake up on my back.I am a rough sleeper, but only sometimes. I would recommend wrapping yourself tightly in a blanket while you are on your back that way you would be less likely to move. Or you could surround the side of your body with pillows so that you are less likely to roll. Or you could get a special pillow that could not apply pressure to the face but sort of be like a foam that shapes to the form of your head.
How to plant seeds in terraria?:3?
heey!!:) okaay so i got this pc game, terraria! but i dont know how to plant seeds?:/ so do yoou know how to plant seeds in a claay pot? pleasee help!:) thaanks!!:D<3<3<3
New to yugioh, looking for some advice?
I started playing about two weeks ago, my friend plays and helped me get a deck going which I finished the main deck two days ago and just need the extra deck which I ubersexual half of already. ( the deck is dragonduelistgirls disaster dragon deck with a few tweak) I pulled a pot of duality and an ultimate effect veiler a few days ago and have an alright binder for having started just a little while ago. But I need some better trades and am wondering what the best way to get a good binder and get some good trades. Also I would like some advice on a chaos plant deck.
Are take away dinners more popular with inner city dwellers than people in outer suburbs?
I live in what would be considered an outer suburb. We are very limited here on the selection of eating establishments and take out dinners. It's a small city and it's about 10 miles from my house to the outskirts of the nearest larger city. There is a place my kids and I like that's about 12 miles away and we get take away dinners from there whenever we are down that way and have the money to afford it. It's a Chinese restaurant with excellent food and reasonably priced. I would guess that take away dinners would be more popular with inner city dwellers just because of the convenience. They don't have to spend a lot of money on gas to get there.
Would this be a cute tattoo?
It could. But I think you'd be better off with a tattoo that represents yourself rather than your boyfriend. Because you never know what could happen in the future with you and your boyfriend. Also, it could matter if your boyfriend knows that you're getting this tattoo or not.
Are there any apartment buildings that don't have "thin walls"?
I hear this all the time coming from dwellers in apartment buildings. As a matter of fact every apartment building I've ever lived in has had noise from the neighbors. IS THERE SUCH A THING as apartment buildings that don't have noise from the neighbors or is this a normal complaint of apartment dwellers?
Question about if a projectile is launched vertically from the earth....more details listed below?
If a projectile is launched vertically from the Earth with a speed equal to the escape speed, how far from the Earth's center is it when its speed is 1/2 of the escape speed?
Transfer Advice? Should I go to SUNY Geneseo?
I applied as a transfer student to SUNY Geneseo and I got accepted (this has been my third time applying.) I currently attend SUNY Albany. I applied because there were going to be major cuts in my program in which I am studying (foreign language), I was having trouble in other areas of my life, and I did not like the city or campus. Now things have been gotten better and back to normal since I applied, I have friends that love, a good job, etc. After doing my research I have found that they are not cutting back on my program as much, and even with the small cuts, SUNY Albany still has a very large program (larger and with more options than Geneseo's foreign language program). And looking at all suny schools, there have been cuts to various programs everywhere so really i've decided wherever I go there will a chance of that. I've also grown to enjoy the campus and city (or at least gotten used to being a city dweller) and I love the diversity and international student body here at UA. On top of that, I am a 3.7 student but I do like to go out and party. I also know that Geneseo is probably the best and most selective suny school with high standards, and suny albany tends to have a big party school rep (and its rep has suffered even more in the past month due to some instances that made national news.) But I feel like if I transfer I would only be doing it becuase of reputation, yet is a very good chance to pass up and a bit of an honor. I am happy here, and have to keep in ind that ua has a large(r) foreign langauge program. Should I ove away from a place I love with the programs I want, good academics yet with a not so hot rep to a very good school that doesnt have as large of program but is one of the best schools in the country? Any advice?
Physics question please help?
The sign of the speed you calculate depends on which direction you choose to be the positive direction of movement and where you put your x=0.
Why do i have a huge pot belly?!?!?!?
watch ur sodium intake, it causes bloat, i have the same problem, as soon as i eat, i balloon up and look prego but im not
Should I leave my boyfriend?
We have been going out for a year on/off. I left him back in December then went back because I missed him 2 months later. I'm 18 and hes 23. He doesn't work and sits with his friends all day smoking pot. I'll be heading to college in Nevada(we're on the east coast) in a year. I'm taking a trip over there this week. So we made plans to hangout a few days before, for the last time before I leave. At last minute he canceled and went on a camping trip with his girl friends, including a girl who has hated me since we started dating. She always says bad things about me and he even admitted that she said things while he was with her. He got very drunk while there and didn't bother calling and texting except for once a day for only a few minutes. This is not the first time he has ditched me to go hangout with his friends. And though he really seems like he means it when he tells me he loves me lots and wants to be with me. Its hard for me. My parents want me to leave him because hes constantly leaving me in tears with his choices. I can't stand the pot smoking/drug use and his lack of ambition to find a decent job. Especially when i'm such a career orientated person. I know i'm young and there will be others. But I guess I just feel lost right now. Help?
Can my slim stand vertically without the stand and damaging the inside? 10 points best answer!?
Well, I read that it's better to keep it flat because the heat burns up the hard disc when its verticle. Idk, im just gonna lay mines flat. not a big deal.
Spiritually speaking, if you caught a leprechaun - what three wishes would you make?
"A leprechaun is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief. The leprechauns spend all their time busily making shoes, and store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If ever captured by a human, a leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for his release. Popular depiction shows a leprechaun as being no taller than a small child, with a beard and hat, although they may originally have been perceived as the tallest of the mound-dwellers."
How do I make my dropdown links menu on tumblr show up vertically?
I've downloaded the standard slide down menu from Max Davis ( and it's on my tumblr blog and everything, but whenever I view my blog and click the "links" thing to bring the menu down, the menu shows up horizontally. I'm not sure how to change this. Can anyone help?
Why do muslims come to EU?
for economic freedom, liberty, freedom of association, speech, worship, better living conditions etc. Like any body else, they want to breathe free air
If i give blood at a blood drive and i smoked marijuana like a week ago and got drunk two days ago?
so i smoked pot like a week ago i know i know its stupid and i haven't done it in awhile but i did hate it and i'm not planning on doing it again. so my mom was saying how i could go give blood at a blood drive today but i smoked a week ago and got drunk two days ago. would they check my blood and find stuff in it. im not a regular drinker or smoker! and all rude responses will be reported.
Last night after smoking marijuana, I got up, stretched and ran 12 miles. Isn't that debunking the theories?
debunking the theories that alot of people have about a plant that kills noone? As an athlete, I prefer pot over beer anyday. It's healthier and more fun and doesn't make you feel useless.
Male Kribensis Help Please!?
I have a 36 gallon with 6 danios and two kribensis. I have a female and a male. The female comes out alot more often and i see her alot more than i ever see the male. The male is much bigger and will come out every once and a while, about 80% of his time hiding behind rocks, plants, and flower pot. The female does her lil shimmy dance, I have only seen him do it one time! Does he not like her do I need to get another female bc I read they like to pick the "biggest" female. Or would it be ok to get another small west african male cichlid that might help but a different species just to see if he reacts or another male or the same species? I just want him to come out he's so purty even if he isn't flaring i just wanna see him D:
Are scientists always right? Have they always been right?
The “discovery” of the Hittite Empire was made in the last quarter of the 19th century. In 1905 its capital was found in the village of Boghazkoi in Anatolia.
Please help, messed up problem.?
Ok so yes im young and yes this is over a girl but try to view my point...I went out with this girl and we broke up. My "friend" knew that i liked her and still went behind my back and did thing with her(hj,finger,etc..) Me and this kid aren't good freinds at all. We used to be close and now we just don't talk at all. Anyway, I was going out with a girl and we broke up and like a week later he was talking to her and trying to get with her. THey did and i was fine with it because it was the first time. The second time i went away and he told her all lies about me and she dumped me. Then he has done this a few more times with other girls. Now i got close with a girl again and guess what he did...broke us up and did stuff with her. I know this sounds dumb but im soo done with his ****. Hes a little scumbag who thinks hes a pot head and has no freinds at all. I hate him so much and im thinking about killing him. I want to kill him so that i nver have to look,talk or ddeal with him again..I really dont know what to do..PLEASE help me
Bottom dweller fish PLEASE HELP?
Dwarf chain loaches, they look a lot like under-sized kuhli loaches. Bamboo shrimp are bigger than what you asked about, but are filter feeders, so are totally unaggressive, you might check one of them out as well. I like stuff that is a little different, if you can't tell. ;-)
Is america backward like iran, when their christian belief preaches creationism and disregards evolution?
is america regressing into the dark ages. how can any developed democratic country disregard science. will they become cave dwellers within a decade
How far from the base of the CN Tower should she stand?
Protestors unfurl a banner from the outdoor observation deck of the CN Tower, 342m above ground level. The banner is 20m long, and hangs vertically. To get the best picture, a news photographer 2m tall, standing at ground level, would like to stand where the banner appears largest. How far from the base of the CN Tower should she stand? Namely, what distance from the CN Tower maximizes the visual angle of the photographer?
Fable 3 quest glitch please help?
Okay so I'm at the part of the game in Brightwall where i'm supposed to be meeting Samuel and hes going to tell me im amazing bla bla bla and the guys with the boxes will take the food to the dwellers. But Samuel isnt there! Its just the guys with the boxes and a crowd of people cheering. I cannot go to the sanctuary because im in the middle of doing this, and I can't leave the town. It just does nothing when I try to. Please help. Im stuck. :l
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
What can i add to my tank?
Got a 10 gallon with a male betta and an african dwarf frog. Currently i don't have a filter but i can get one. Im not a big fan of bottom dwellers but i like shrimp. And hopefully i can put some pretty fish in there? what kind? Don't worry im a responsible fishkeeper so i wont just go out and buy anything, just looking for advice. The reason i gave my filter away was cause my betta seemed agitated by it...
Physics Question, Speed Projectile?
A projectile ( rock, baseball, etc) is thrown vertically up in the air, reaches its maximum height, and then returns back to the earth. Student I.M. Smart tells Professor Stupido that because the speed of the projectile is ZERO at the top of its motion, its acceleration MUST also be zero. Stupido says I.M. Smart is wrong. Who is correct? Why?
What are good relaxation techniques?
I was bullied really really really badly for a good portion of my life. Plus I've got baggage from my childhood. Because of this when I lay in my bed my brain starts winding up and I have trouble sleeping. Second part, does anxiety get treated with medical marijuana? I ask because in high school smoking pot would help me sleep better then I ever had. My grades even went up while I was smoking. I could take a couple hit and be asleep in the wink of an eye.
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